For a few years we have offered the LOVE LIST to schools to encourage their adult staff on campus. It included questions such as “my favorite morning drink” or “a time I felt appreciated.” The intent was to learn more about one another and refer back to the list for future personalized surprises and appreciation weeks throughout the year.
Since the staff version was so popular, we thought why not create a LOVE LIST for your STUDENTS that would help create connections as many of us begin school with distance learning.
Imagine a notebook you keep next to your laptop with a dedicated page or two for each class. During the first few weeks of school ask your students in a casual way about different loves they have. Also, you can ask these questions in the chat room as a way for students to get to know each other – a question each day for the first two weeks. Ask students to listen to each other and write down similarities between classmates. Jot their answers in your notebook and then refer back to them during future conversations.
Consider some of these loves you might ask students:
What type of music do you listen to?
When is your birthday?
What activity/hobby do you love?
What drink do you find most refreshing?
What is your go-to candy or ice cream?
What kind of movie do you love to watch?
What TV show do you binge on?
Which app on your phone/tablet do you use the most?
What is you favorite video/board game?
Students want to know you listen to them, you remember things about them, and you notice them. What better way to do this than commenting later in the month or semester about something they have shared!
Also need the STAFF LOVE LIST? Click below to download an editable version.