G.I.V.E. Thanks

Giving others the opportunity to share part of their story helps build strong relationships and collaboration. As Thanksgiving and the holiday season nears, take a few minutes during class or kick-off your next staff meeting or potluck with this fun and quick relationship builder!

Grateful: What are you GRATEFUL for?

Inspire: Who INSPIRES you?

Victory: What is one VICTORY you had this fall?

Eager: What are you EAGER to accomplish before winter break?


  • PURPOSE: To build relationships by encouraging staff/students to share part of their story. To reflect on the positive and express gratitude.

  • TIME: 3-5 minutes in partners, 7-10 minutes in small groups.

  • SPACE: Space to pair up or form groups of 6-8.

  • SUMMARY: Have each person answer one or all of the G.I.V.E. questions.

  • TIPS:

    • After each person has shared, allow time for participants to ask follow-up questions or learn more from other participants by saying, “Tell me more about…

    • Challenge the group to send a note/text of THANKS to the person that inspires them or who they are grateful to have in their lives.