3 Ways to Be Your Best Self This Fall

As the fall season is rapidly approaching and the new school years begin across the country, it seems like we are all thinking about “fresh starts” and “new beginnings” at this time of year.

Aside from New Year’s, the fall season is also a great time to set new intentions for how you want to show up in the world. To help you kick off your autumn on a positive note, we have three tips for you to show up as your “best self” this season…and consequently get back to living your #bestlife!

Without further delay, here are 3 practices to help you be your best self this fall:

1.  End of the day mindset.

The conversation you have with yourself or others on the drive home often defines how the evening with family goes.  Celebrate the wins of the day rather than focusing on the challenges.  By focusing on the WINS, it allows you to walk into the house with the positive energy you want to carry home with you. While work is a huge part of your life, we want to you to be present both at work and at home.

Practice: On your way home from work today, what is ONE WIN you can celebrate?

2. Make a list of three people to check in with each day. 

Find them in the hallways, doorways, and stairways.  John Eick created a google form to remind him who he had celebrated and connected with so he would make sure he reached out to everyone on staff on a regular basis.  Some people are more convenient to connect with while others may require you to be very intentional. 

Practice: Who are three people in your work world who you want to check-in with this week? Take 3 minutes and send them a quick text or write them a quick note.

3.  Schedule growth opportunities. 

One leader said he scheduled conferences, PD sessions etc that he wanted to attend before his calendar became full of meetings and other commitments.  If you want to be intentional about growth being thoughtful about your schedule is a critical starting point.  Remember “When you are green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot”.

Practice: What is one upcoming personal growth opportunity you have been eyeing, but need to schedule in your calendar? Find it & book it!

Thanks for reading, let’s keep growing together!

~Phil Boyte & the Learning for Living Team

**PS. If you are an Administrator looking to grow in your PEOPLE Leadership skills, consider joining our Fall 2023 Admin Cohort starting October 22 - 25, 2023. Learn more HERE.