

This past week one of my educator friends posted a graphic on Facebook titled Teacher’s Winter Break Checklist and typed “It’s coming…8 more days 😂.” It included scenarios that all educators can connect with, such as leaving your teacher bag in your vehicle, staying up way too late, wearing pajamas for multiple days, and going to the bathroom whenever you want!

Her post made me pause…because that is what the holiday break offers to educators…a PAUSE. A pause in the hectic pace of school life. A pause from pouring so much of ourselves into other people, and instead, taking time for ourselves. For some, that may mean wearing pajamas for three straight days, bingeing on Netflix, or even eating cookies for a meal!

Taking a pause is necessary. Not because we don’t love what we do, but because a pause is what we need to be our best for our schools, students, staff, and families.  

The holiday break offers an opportunity to REFLECT on the previous semester and to look forward to the upcoming semester. There is power in reflection because it provides opportunities to learn, heal, and generate motivation.

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That’s why we are providing the 20/20 Reflection Form. Use it to facilitate an internal discussion about what went well, what could have gone better, and what you should focus on second semester to continue to make your school the best place it can be.  

You deserve that. Everyone in your school community deserves it too. 

So put down your cookies. Take a break from your Netflix binge. Curl up with our 20/20 Reflection Form to celebrate the victories from the fall semester and to get motivated for a great 2020!

Enjoy the pause!