Team Building

Connecting over photos

Try this relationship builder! In School Culture By Design Podcast Episode #100, Dr. John Eick shares a fun way to connect over cell phone photos.

Photo reel activity: 

  • Get your cell phone and open photos

  • Flick photo reel 3 times

  • Pick one photo in that grid

  • Share that photo with the person next to you and explain why it either makes you PROUD, SMILE, or A LITTLE EMBARRASSED. 

What will you share… a photo of your family or pet, vacation highlight, favorite hobby, holiday tradition, or maybe an adventure from your summer break?

Take time to be PEOPLE FIRST and share part of your story as it will lead to lasting relationships and colleagues you can lean on during tough times.


During our Storytelling Sparks Connection podcast episode, guest Robin Nott shared the benefit of taking time to share our stories and how it can lead to a more PRODUCTIVE, CREATIVE, and SAFE environment.

Adapted from Robin's Story Sparks, this activity may be used with students or staff to SPARK CONVERSATIONS, BUILD RELATIONSHIPS, and remind us we are BETTER TOGETHER!

Start sparking connections! Click below to download.

Opportunity to RECONNECT

“We are hardwired to connect with others, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

- Brené Brown 

The return to school this fall presents an amazing opportunity to reconnect…as a staff and student body! Let’s take time to genuinely check-in with each other and ask how others are doing after so much virtual time and after our summer break.

Check out the RECONNECT CARDS for an easy way to ask fun and interesting questions to get to know each other better and build relationships!

Click below to download a printable PDF of the RECONNECT CARDS!


People First

We identify in many roles in our lives, both professionally and personally.

Think about all of your roles. Which was the first one you thought of? 

It is important to remember that we are all people first, especially during our virtual conversations. As we are on our conference calls and video meetings with colleagues or students, before jumping into business or online learning, let’s take time to genuinely check-in with each other and ask how others are doing.


Further, why not take a few minutes to learn something new about your staff or students! Check our latest edition of the Connect Cards. The BETTER TOGETHER edition provides fun and interesting questions that you can ask staff or students to get to know each other and build relationships. Pick one of these 18 questions to kick-off your next virtual meeting!

Click below to download a printable PDF of the Better Together Connect Cards for FREE!

Secret Santa

We organized a My Favorite Things Secret Santa gift exchange with our staff. Inspired by Oprah's annual Favorite Things list, each participating staff member purchased three identical (or similar) meaningful items spending no more than $25 to $30 for all three combined. At the event, everyone brought three gifts and put their own name into a bowl three times. Next, everyone draws three names (discarding their own back, if they choose it). Then the gift giving begins! One person starts by giving their three gifts to the people they drew, and once those gifts are opened, he/she explains the meaning of the gift.

- Kerri Malazdrewicz, Teacher and Council Advisor

My Favorite Things Secret Santa.png

Share your #BetterTogether story that uniquely engages staff or students: