Episode #67: Community, Culture, and Cause - Guest Rhett Ladner

In Phil Boyte’s latest podcast, hear Rhett Ladner, 27-year veteran educator, share ideas on creating a school where everyone is excited to be there. Don’t miss Rhett’s “mullet philosophy” of injecting some fun into everyday activities and the pivotal question from his colleague that transformed his mindset and approach… Be Yourself! 

A little about Rhett: 

Rhett Ladner is a 27-year veteran educator who has spent 20 years of that time as a K - 12 administrator, where he has shown tremendous success at all of his schools. He currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent of the Pascagoula-Gautier School District on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. His personal and professional life was changed 12 years ago when he realized that if you take care of all the people in the school and make them feel valued then this school thing is no longer a job, but a mission. In the past 12 years it has become his purpose to lead educators to see that the “cause” matters more than the “why.” When we rally to a cause, change the world one child at a time, make the WE bigger than the me, then school becomes a place ALL want to be a part. Plus, you can have fun doing it!   

In Phil Boyte's latest podcast, hear Rhett Ladner, 27-year veteran educator, share ideas on creating a school where everyone is excited to be there. Don't miss Rhett's "mullet philosophy" of injecting some fun into everyday activities and the pivotal question from his colleague that transformed his mindset and approach... Be Yourself!